
Sorry for the long post, I just need to rant

Edit: Sorry for the formatting, on mobile, idk how to fix I'm disabled, but the disability office won't approve my case, despite many things documented as being wrong with me. They found literally one job in this whole world that I could do, and said “See? There's a job out there for you. Now get to work”. That job isn't even a thing I've ever heard of, and when I googled it, I couldn't find anything about it whatsoever. I don't even remember what it was called. Since then, I've bounced around from a few jobs, taking whatever I can get to earn some money. I had a decent paying job at a factory for awhile, but it was only part time, and I needed more money, so I went full time, hoping I'd be able to withstand the toll on my body. I bever missed a day, not when…

Edit: Sorry for the formatting, on mobile, idk how to fix

I'm disabled, but the disability office won't approve my case, despite many things documented as being wrong with me. They found literally one job in this whole world that I could do, and said “See? There's a job out there for you. Now get to work”. That job isn't even a thing I've ever heard of, and when I googled it, I couldn't find anything about it whatsoever. I don't even remember what it was called. Since then, I've bounced around from a few jobs, taking whatever I can get to earn some money. I had a decent paying job at a factory for awhile, but it was only part time, and I needed more money, so I went full time, hoping I'd be able to withstand the toll on my body. I bever missed a day, not when a really good friend I've known my whole life passed away in a car wreck with his young daughter in the car with him ((she survived)), not when I was in a car wreck and went to the hospital for my injuries and the doctor said “I don't think the car wreck did this to you. I think you're looking for pain pills. You're a pain seeker” ((I have no fucking idea where that came from)), not when I had a severe gout flare-up and couldn't afford my medication…I never missed. They took that as an excuse to start making me do jobs that I told them I could not do when I was hired on. Walking 10 miles a day, bending over and lifting heavy totes, reaching for high up objects. I started leaving early and missing days. Eventually, I just quit, because when I cried my eyes out to the boss that I couldn't do it, he wouldn't listen to me and told me to deal with it. Anyway, I got a job at Taco Bell to try to get at least some kind of income to pay the bills. During the interview, the $34.5 billion company told me “$11 an hour, absolutely no room in the budget for shift differential, you only get a 50% discount on meals while you're at work, employees don't get freezees, your 15 years of customer service experience and 8 years of management experience in multiple fields including multiple restaurants, and including several fast food places, doesn't change any of this”. Fuck it, I need the money.

Day 1: I show up for my shift. They show me where everything is, put me on the line to wrap tacos. The guy who is taking over as general manager leaves. As soon as he does, this girl we'll call Chatterbox, because she wouldn't shut the fuck up all night long, starts talking to the other guy, who we'll call Jarhead, because his head seemed like it was full of empty space. Both are managers.

“Hey, Jarhead, let's go out to your car”
“No, Chatterbox, we're busy right now”
“Why do you keep rejecting me, Jarhead?”
-No response from Jarhead-
“I wish I could go back to when I met you so I could reject you when you first talked to me and then I wouldn't be obsessed with you”
“Nah, you love being obsessed with me, Chatterbox, you talk about it all the time”
“Yeah, that's why we should go out to your car for a bit”
“Nah, we got customers right now”
“So we'll go to your car later then?”
“Chill out, Chatterbox”
“Why do you keep rejecting me, Jarhead? Just let me have it. Tonight's your last chance. Everyone knows you're leaving this weekend”
“Why don't you come back to the hotel with me, Chatterbox?”
“Why do we have to go to the hotel?” We can go out to your car right now”
“No, Chatterbox”
“You need to quit rejecting me, Jarhead. Let's just go out to your car for a bit. I have a car, too, you know. We can use my car if you don't want to make a mess in your car”
“Just come to the hotel with me”
“No, let's just go out to my car”
“Come on, we can relax at the hotel”
“Can I bring my friend, so I can feel safe?”
“Is she gonna join?”
“Oh my God, now I'm not going to the hotel with you!”
-Two minutes later-
“Hey Jarhead, will you take me out to your car please? Let's just do it please. Stop rejecting me. Let's just go out to your car, Jarhead.”

After some time, Chatterbox starts talking about her boyfriend
“So, Chatterbox, I have to ask…what about your boyfriend? How do you feel about cheating on him?”
“Cheating on him? What the fuck are you even talking about? Why would you even ask me that? You're disgusting! Why would you even want to talk about that? Don't ever come to me with a question like that”
-Two minutes later-
“Hey Jarhead, let's go out to your car, today's your last day to have me before you leave. You can take it right now. You could literally just pick me up and take me and I wouldn't fight, AT ALL. I'm just throwing that suggestion out there. Like, just saying, I don't necessarily want that to happen, but if it did, I'd be really happy and enjoy it, so we should totally go out to your car right now so you can take me.”
“What if we get caught?”
“We won't get caught, I've done so much stupid shit and gotten caught that I've learned what not to do. I got fired from my first job on my first day for smoking weed my manager”
“You smoke weed, Chatterbox?”
“Yeah, if they popped a random drug test on me right, I'd lose my job, for sure”

I'm standing here listening to this thinking “If you leave me in here by myself on my first day so that you two can go out in the car and fuck, then I'm not even going to try to help. Every car that pulls up, I'll tell them I can't take their order because we're back here fuckin'. Need a drink? Just want you to know why the cup is sticky. Want a taco? Well, there's a different kind of meat in that taco today. You seen the commercial for that one burrito with the sauce they put inside the wrap? Yeah, about that sauce…Every single customer will hear the unfiltered, explicit, intimate details of the Taco Bell Fuck Shack, whether they ask for it or not. The customer gonna be like “Let me get a number 5 with a Dr. Pepper, for dine in” and I'll say “Ooohhh, you might not want to eat in today, the noises get a little graphic in here. It has a tendency to upset some of the customers with weaker stomachs. By the way, I wouldn't lean on that counter if I were you, sir. It hasn't been wiped off since…well…earlier”.

They didn't go out by the time everyone started doing break rotations, so when Chatterbox went on break and Jarhead was busy talking to her in the managers office, I made as much food as I could without anyone noticing, put it in a bag, grabbed a large freezee, and walked out without clocking out. I'm calling corporate and telling them about Gab–woops, I mean Chatterbox and Mas–uhh…Jarhead.

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