
Sorry To Bother You (2018) is becoming more and more true.

If you haven't seen the movie, I would highly recommend it. In the background of the movie, the dystopia that the people live in is starting to look more and more like the world we live in today. In the movie, a company called WorryFree that has been accused of slavery due to the fact that they give people lifelong contracts with food and housing. The reason people even feel compelled to sign the contract is because even the basic necessities are getting to be too expensive so people can't afford their needs with what a normal Jon would pay them. I feel that this is becoming more and more real. Jobs are paying less and expecting more. Basically paying awful wages and working people to death, because the people have no choice. I hope that something can change in the coming years so that way people can live better…

If you haven't seen the movie, I would highly recommend it. In the background of the movie, the dystopia that the people live in is starting to look more and more like the world we live in today. In the movie, a company called WorryFree that has been accused of slavery due to the fact that they give people lifelong contracts with food and housing. The reason people even feel compelled to sign the contract is because even the basic necessities are getting to be too expensive so people can't afford their needs with what a normal Jon would pay them.

I feel that this is becoming more and more real. Jobs are paying less and expecting more. Basically paying awful wages and working people to death, because the people have no choice. I hope that something can change in the coming years so that way people can live better than paycheck to paycheck.

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