
Spend more, spend less, spend more…

I'm sick and tired of the Tory horse shit. Looking forward to all the media lamentations about the lowest spending for years this Easter, “what could possibly be causing it?” Well, the wealth gap in the UK is now wider than Olympus Mons, so the Capitory leaders fuck us again with interest hikes and tax rises. I'm self-employed, considering just giving up and retiring to the streets! /rant

I'm sick and tired of the Tory horse shit. Looking forward to all the media lamentations about the lowest spending for years this Easter, “what could possibly be causing it?” Well, the wealth gap in the UK is now wider than Olympus Mons, so the Capitory leaders fuck us again with interest hikes and tax rises. I'm self-employed, considering just giving up and retiring to the streets! /rant

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