
Spoiled spouses

I work with 2 people who are flat out against any sort of national healthcare or assistance to the poor. Both are part time and one, who even the most enthusiastic anti-worker would say is overpaid, is married to the boss. They work for something to do during the day and for some personal spending cash. Both are married to people who make multiple hundreds of thousands and have company healthcare that pays for the entire family. I heard the premium once and it alone is more than most of the employees at the job make in a month. By the way, those other employees don't get healthcare through work at all. I'm sure you can guess the age group: 60+. Every day I hear that those on food stamps just want something for free. Government healthcare? “My tax dollars shouldn't pay for other's bad habits.” Despite all other insurances…

I work with 2 people who are flat out against any sort of national healthcare or assistance to the poor. Both are part time and one, who even the most enthusiastic anti-worker would say is overpaid, is married to the boss. They work for something to do during the day and for some personal spending cash. Both are married to people who make multiple hundreds of thousands and have company healthcare that pays for the entire family. I heard the premium once and it alone is more than most of the employees at the job make in a month. By the way, those other employees don't get healthcare through work at all.

I'm sure you can guess the age group: 60+. Every day I hear that those on food stamps just want something for free. Government healthcare? “My tax dollars shouldn't pay for other's bad habits.” Despite all other insurances doing exactly that, healthcare must be different for some reason. “Make better choices” is another popular comment regarding those who have bad luck in life.

I have family who think the same way. One member said “I have to work so others don't have to,” accusing them of being freeloaders. Yeah, you make $10/hour. You don't pay enough in taxes to support anyone else.

All 3 of these people would be on government assistance if they hadn't married someone wealthy. Anyone else deal with such hypocrisy?

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