
Staff council meeting regarding staff wages

I have a meeting with our executive team tomorrow morning to talk about a plan for our wages as a company. I work for a nonprofit and all of our funding is grant-based. They claim they entire company average is 21.10/hr but even I’m below that and I know that everyone in our executive office (50 out of 210) has a 100k-150k/yr salary. Our minimum wage just went up a 1.25/hr here and I know for a fact quite a few people are planning to leave and find less stressful jobs with better pay. Any advice on what I could add to this meeting to make a difference?

I have a meeting with our executive team tomorrow morning to talk about a plan for our wages as a company. I work for a nonprofit and all of our funding is grant-based. They claim they entire company average is 21.10/hr but even I’m below that and I know that everyone in our executive office (50 out of 210) has a 100k-150k/yr salary. Our minimum wage just went up a 1.25/hr here and I know for a fact quite a few people are planning to leave and find less stressful jobs with better pay. Any advice on what I could add to this meeting to make a difference?

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