
Staffing agencies need to dissolve LIKE NOW. A rant of frustrations, desperation, and awkward work situation.

This may seem odd coming from someone who has the username “cannabishr” I assure you I'm far from your typical HR person. I exist in the realm of employee experience and advocating to no end for bosses to piss the fuck the fuck off, C-Suites to cap all types of compensation, and want people to have cannabis and psychedelics if it helps off the clock and not worry about termination. I've been horribly mistreated by my own last 3 companies and now I'm entering a 4th to add to that list. Still not as bad as #3, not as shattering as #2 but still insane that this happens. I was laid off in May 2022, 2 temp jobs later I end up at temp job #3 thanks to WONDERFUL Robert Half. Fuck them, and everything about them. Blood tests, drug tests, 3 interviews for a position in a hospital covering…

This may seem odd coming from someone who has the username “cannabishr” I assure you I'm far from your typical HR person. I exist in the realm of employee experience and advocating to no end for bosses to piss the fuck the fuck off, C-Suites to cap all types of compensation, and want people to have cannabis and psychedelics if it helps off the clock and not worry about termination. I've been horribly mistreated by my own last 3 companies and now I'm entering a 4th to add to that list. Still not as bad as #3, not as shattering as #2 but still insane that this happens.

I was laid off in May 2022, 2 temp jobs later I end up at temp job #3 thanks to WONDERFUL Robert Half. Fuck them, and everything about them. Blood tests, drug tests, 3 interviews for a position in a hospital covering for someone on LOA gone nearly a year (A DIRE NEED THEY SAY). Day 1 comes, I go to orientation, my name isn't on the list. My manager is nowhere to be found. They themselves are on LOA. “We don't know when either will be back” I'm told. So I start playing clue in the dark, putting the pieces together of this hospital mostly alone. Finding clues, backtracking, learning a whole new industry, etc. Got one call after day 1 and at the end of week 1 when my timecard was odd. Since then no checkups from my recruiter. For record this is employee relations. A CRITICAL role in a hospital. Is someone stealing meds? Goes to me. Some beat someone up? Goes to me. Not my fav, but money is money right now as I told myself. Sold my soul to the devil it feels like.

Fast forward a couple months later, I'm getting the hang of it with minimal training, no manager really to guide me as the senior management is incredibly busy trying to keep it all together like ducktape on water on a boat; I learn BOTH people on LOA are set to return shortly. Like within a week. I don't ask what the plan is with me, as my findings of gaps has placed a PIP on my manager and the person I'm covering has more than 5 years here as employee relations.

I called my recruiter for days trying to get an answer. This company has a history of dropping people like flies with no warning, gone through several temps and I know how much I'm costing the place per hour. (ITS ALOT!) We had a “shit hit the fan moment” when I asked someone to go home pending an investigation as I didn't know what else to do and couldn't find my leader to ask proper protocol. I made a mistake. We were supposed to search, drug test, and interview them before letting them go home. Never worked in healthcare, so how would I know? I really don't even want to go in on Monday to meet my manager who's gonna get their PIP and attempt to work through all this.

I feel so used and cheated and this is just not a good work relationship even if I stayed. Too bad I'm moving in a MONTH. I need proof of income for an apartment. Might be able to play dumb for 2 more weeks but I want out. The commute is 2 hours each way and I feel like I got fucked on this one. Maybe I can doordash on my E-scooter for a few weeks and show income that way. Does anyone do this and get approved for an apartment with others? I also have student financial aid for my master's program. I don't think it's gonna work out and this hospital isn't gonna pay $100/hr for a temp to an agency when their specialist is coming back and the manager is too.

Thank you for reading my rant, I don't have many places to voice my concerns given my profession so truly, thank you. If you have a story about a temp agency I'd love to hear it.

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