
Standing Up for a Coworker

Did this on my phone, sorry for formatting. So I currently work in the kitchen of a small town restaurant. We do well tbh. Everyone at work gets along, and we have a blast. All except for one guy. The kitchen manager. Most of the time, cool guy. He takes care of his disabled sister. Funny, joking guy. Really good at what he does, truly. It’s just he has a really bad anger problem. He lashes out quite frequently. Honestly, I don’t take much of the brunt of it because I’m also quite skilled at my job. Most of the other employees are either high-schoolers, or in their early 20s. They haven’t been doing this nearly as long. They make mistakes. Guy blows his top about it constantly. I’ve kept my mouth shut and been a bit of a yes man to keep him off my back. After what happened…

Did this on my phone, sorry for formatting.

So I currently work in the kitchen of a small town restaurant. We do well tbh. Everyone at work gets along, and we have a blast. All except for one guy. The kitchen manager. Most of the time, cool guy. He takes care of his disabled sister. Funny, joking guy. Really good at what he does, truly.

It’s just he has a really bad anger problem. He lashes out quite frequently. Honestly, I don’t take much of the brunt of it because I’m also quite skilled at my job. Most of the other employees are either high-schoolers, or in their early 20s. They haven’t been doing this nearly as long. They make mistakes.

Guy blows his top about it constantly. I’ve kept my mouth shut and been a bit of a yes man to keep him off my back. After what happened tonight, I can’t just sit back and not do anything about it anymore. I wasn’t even there, but it happened to the coworker I consider myself closest to.

The kitchen manager threw a plate of hot ribs at him and burned him. Now, I don’t know where y’all are from, but where I’m from that’s assault. On top of that he’s made a 16 year old cry, and yelled at a waitress so loud that our customers could hear it from the other side of the restaurant.

I see all these people not able to stand up to it because they need this job. I on the other hand, do not need it in that way. On Tuesday when we open I plan to bring all of this to the owners attention who isn’t around but a few hours a week. The business is self sufficient after all, why not only be there an hour or two a day for paperwork and that’s it?

I know he’s at least partially aware of the behavior, but the kitchen manager has turned the place around entirely from being a failing buisness to being very profitable. My feelings, and the laws feelings, are that the kitchen manager is a massive liability and should be let go. I’ll be putting my job on the line to bring this to light. It’s brought back so many bad memories of my earlier years in kitchens.

I will not stand for this sort of stuff anymore. I’ve had it. I’m backing my coworker up in this to the very end.

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