
Start and end time on construction site

Wondering what laws to look into this issue. Back story: by my employer our company starts our day at our company lay down for the site, which is about an 8 min walk. It’s tolerable but now they are moving the parking lot and now it will be a 20 min walk from the security turnstile. To add they don’t allow food on site either so you have to go near the turnstile to the lunch trailer or go to your car and they claim they don’t pay for the walk either (they give us 30min + 2 15 min breaks which we all mash for an hour anyway) TLDR: So in summary I’ll be spending atleast 80 min walking off the clock and i find it ridiculous. No this is non union work, we work as contractor for the client directly not the general contractor, so we are given…

Wondering what laws to look into this issue.

Back story: by my employer our company starts our day at our company lay down for the site, which is about an 8 min walk. It’s tolerable but now they are moving the parking lot and now it will be a 20 min walk from the security turnstile. To add they don’t allow food on site either so you have to go near the turnstile to the lunch trailer or go to your car and they claim they don’t pay for the walk either (they give us 30min + 2 15 min breaks which we all mash for an hour anyway)

TLDR: So in summary I’ll be spending atleast 80 min walking off the clock and i find it ridiculous.

No this is non union work, we work as contractor for the client directly not the general contractor, so we are given some good benefits not given to unions

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