
Started new job. Want to quit.

Started new job at remote web agency. When I joined there were 4x web devs. They left within first week of me joining now I'm the only one. I'm working on a project that was handed over to me already overdue and the client having meltdowns over it and the quality of work. I don't feel supported by my boss and I'm stressed out more than ever. I've only been here 5 weeks and I only took this job on because a recruiter contacted me and thought it would be good to supplement my income in shitty economic times. Now I don't care. It's not my business yet I'm dealing with an inexperienced boss and a shitty client. Do I quit? Y/N?

Started new job at remote web agency. When I joined there were 4x web devs. They left within first week of me joining now I'm the only one. I'm working on a project that was handed over to me already overdue and the client having meltdowns over it and the quality of work. I don't feel supported by my boss and I'm stressed out more than ever.

I've only been here 5 weeks and I only took this job on because a recruiter contacted me and thought it would be good to supplement my income in shitty economic times. Now I don't care. It's not my business yet I'm dealing with an inexperienced boss and a shitty client.

Do I quit? Y/N?

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