
Staying Active in Teams?

Do companies really care about this? I do my work, but sometimes (often) leave early/come late. I'm salaried, take calls for questions when they come in off-hours, and log back into the computer as needed. I'm also constantly screening emails coming on my work phone. I turned “off” my Teams active status a while back because I didn't think people needed to know when I was on or off. I looked today, and it says I haven't been seen active since October… I guess I forgot the length of time inactive was visible to others in the company. If it hasn't been a problem yet, should I care about this?

Do companies really care about this? I do my work, but sometimes (often) leave early/come late. I'm salaried, take calls for questions when they come in off-hours, and log back into the computer as needed. I'm also constantly screening emails coming on my work phone.

I turned “off” my Teams active status a while back because I didn't think people needed to know when I was on or off. I looked today, and it says I haven't been seen active since October… I guess I forgot the length of time inactive was visible to others in the company. If it hasn't been a problem yet, should I care about this?

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