
Still getting questions about job I left over 1 year ago

I left my old company over 1 year ago. My old boss asked me questions every few months about some processes. Just a few months ago, my old boss informed me that the person who took my position resigned and was asked what it would take to bring me back. I asked for $67K, but was told by HR they were going to move on with another candidate after they offered me $62K and I countered with $67K. Basically, HR told me what I was asking for what too much for them. My old boss is still asking me questions about the position even after they’ve moved on with another candidate… how would you respond?

I left my old company over 1 year ago. My old boss asked me questions every few months about some processes. Just a few months ago, my old boss informed me that the person who took my position resigned and was asked what it would take to bring me back. I asked for $67K, but was told by HR they were going to move on with another candidate after they offered me $62K and I countered with $67K. Basically, HR told me what I was asking for what too much for them. My old boss is still asking me questions about the position even after they’ve moved on with another candidate… how would you respond?

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