
Still have to show up every day so I can get my severance at the end of the month

Sorry if this is considered a low effort post but I’m having such a hard time right now. The company I worked for was acquired and my role was deemed redundant. They granted me a “transition” period after which I would be able to get severance but only if I stay the whole time. For a while they made it seem like they might try to find a place for me but it’s become pretty clear that that was just an extra layer of manipulation. And I just… I can’t do it anymore. I have another four weeks of this bullshit and I just started crying during a zoom meeting. It hurts so much. My direct manager is really great and supportive. My whole team is and they’ve expressed that they don’t know what they’re going to do without me. But it’s this shitty corporate private equity firm bullshit behind…

Sorry if this is considered a low effort post but I’m having such a hard time right now. The company I worked for was acquired and my role was deemed redundant. They granted me a “transition” period after which I would be able to get severance but only if I stay the whole time.

For a while they made it seem like they might try to find a place for me but it’s become pretty clear that that was just an extra layer of manipulation.

And I just… I can’t do it anymore. I have another four weeks of this bullshit and I just started crying during a zoom meeting. It hurts so much. My direct manager is really great and supportive. My whole team is and they’ve expressed that they don’t know what they’re going to do without me. But it’s this shitty corporate private equity firm bullshit behind the scenes.

I’ve been job hunting since I found out I was going to be laid off but nothing is coming from it. And it just feels like this sick torture to have to sit through these meetings about projects I’ll never be seeing to fruition.

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