
Stop discouraging people from reporting their employers

Some people in this sub need to stop with this, “You could report them, but it's going to take a long time for the issue to be resolved and you're not going to get any money out of it, and it could be risky for you” bullshit. A LOT of employers out there are straight up breaking the fucking law, and they need to be held accountable. There are government regulations and laws and agencies, so when remedies exist to hold employers accountable for their shitty behavior, the employers need to be encouraged to FUCKING REPORT THOSE ASSHOLES. It's true, sometimes it takes a while. And a lot of the time, there's really no chance that the employee is going yo get any money out of it. Even if they have a solid wrongful termination lawsuit, it's probably not going yo be 'big money.' But there is money there, and…

Some people in this sub need to stop with this, “You could report them, but it's going to take a long time for the issue to be resolved and you're not going to get any money out of it, and it could be risky for you” bullshit.

A LOT of employers out there are straight up breaking the fucking law, and they need to be held accountable. There are government regulations and laws and agencies, so when remedies exist to hold employers accountable for their shitty behavior, the employers need to be encouraged to FUCKING REPORT THOSE ASSHOLES.

It's true, sometimes it takes a while. And a lot of the time, there's really no chance that the employee is going yo get any money out of it. Even if they have a solid wrongful termination lawsuit, it's probably not going yo be 'big money.' But there is money there, and there are other benefits… like MAKING THE EMPLOYER FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW.

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