
Stop Dying for Your Job

Just … stop it. Get some help. Listen I love my job, and I need my job, but if my job put my life on the line in unsafe conditions I would quit, because I’d rather be homeless than dead and I can always find another job. I get that we are all horrified that UPS drivers have literally died because they don’t have air conditioning but I can’t wrap my head around how it got to that point. They aren’t chained to the trucks. You’re a UPS driver, that’s a good resume right there! Get a new job! I mean holy shit. I have a child to provide for, I have responsibilities to elderly family members, I have no one providing a safety net for me, and I have been homeless before, and there’s still not an icicles chance in hell I would stay at a job with conditions…

Just … stop it. Get some help.

Listen I love my job, and I need my job, but if my job put my life on the line in unsafe conditions I would quit, because I’d rather be homeless than dead and I can always find another job.

I get that we are all horrified that UPS drivers have literally died because they don’t have air conditioning but I can’t wrap my head around how it got to that point. They aren’t chained to the trucks. You’re a UPS driver, that’s a good resume right there! Get a new job! I mean holy shit.

I have a child to provide for, I have responsibilities to elderly family members, I have no one providing a safety net for me, and I have been homeless before, and there’s still not an icicles chance in hell I would stay at a job with conditions that killed me. Make it make sense. It reminds me of the men of a certain generation who literally unalived themselves over being fired or losing a bunch of money. Like how fucked up are your priorities there man?

Nothing is ever going to change until people stop accepting these fucking conditions. We can blame employers all we want but at the end of the day aren’t we just enablers for saying yes to this shit?

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