
Stop making a newbie’s life a living hell just b/c they need your help with stuff they’re still learning how to do

Seriously what’s with the obsession with hating on the newbies???? Do you remember being the newbie at your jobs?? Are you threatened by the naive idea that they’re gonna replace you at work?? WE WERE ALL NEW AT SOMETHING IN OUR LIVES I don’t fucking get it. They want to be as good as you guys are at the job. So don’t go making their shifts miserable for them just b/c you dealt with one or two bad apples at work who thought they knew everything!! Not every newbie is gonna be like that!! If you lack the patience to teach & don’t have the compassion then BY ALL MEANS… QUIT or don’t fucking complain about being short staffed.

Seriously what’s with the obsession with hating on the newbies???? Do you remember being the newbie at your jobs?? Are you threatened by the naive idea that they’re gonna replace you at work??


I don’t fucking get it. They want to be as good as you guys are at the job. So don’t go making their shifts miserable for them just b/c you dealt with one or two bad apples at work who thought they knew everything!! Not every newbie is gonna be like that!! If you lack the patience to teach & don’t have the compassion then BY ALL MEANS… QUIT or don’t fucking complain about being short staffed.

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