
Stop telling your coworkers everything

Stop trusting your coworkers. Here's something to remember. “Coworkers, nor friends.” You think high school drama ends at 18? No it doesn't. Drama will continue in adulthood. You're coworkers will use your words against you if it helps them get more repor with the boss. Only snakes climb the company ladder. I'm not willing to screw others over or get them fired. I'm a decent human being. You think you and your boss are cool? Like your shift manager or job site foreman? Think again. Your boss is watching you're every move. He sees how many times you go to the bathroom. He sees how long a task took you to complete. Mental notes are always being taken because they will use something against you at some point. I wish you could be cool with everyone at work and build actual friendships but there's always that snake in the group…

Stop trusting your coworkers. Here's something to remember. “Coworkers, nor friends.” You think high school drama ends at 18? No it doesn't. Drama will continue in adulthood. You're coworkers will use your words against you if it helps them get more repor with the boss. Only snakes climb the company ladder. I'm not willing to screw others over or get them fired. I'm a decent human being.

You think you and your boss are cool? Like your shift manager or job site foreman? Think again. Your boss is watching you're every move. He sees how many times you go to the bathroom. He sees how long a task took you to complete. Mental notes are always being taken because they will use something against you at some point.

I wish you could be cool with everyone at work and build actual friendships but there's always that snake in the group that makes a mental note about a joke you said or something and at some point in the future it's brought up in conversation with management and you know only that one person would know about it….fucking snake.

It's best to keep any and all personal info about yourself private. Don't answer any questions if they're not work related. Keep it civil and don't be a dick but keep personal info to the very minimum.

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