
Striking is no longer enough. If /r/antiwork is going to get anything done it needs to be pushing in the direction of a full-scale worker and minority revolution.

With the continued suppression and erosion of previously protected characteristics and workers rights as well as a continued and flagrant migration of wealth from the poor to the rich, the only thing that will change ANYTHING, ANY single thing, is a push towards the inevitability of full scale revolution. In 2022 we still see revolution as a radical, mythological and impractical ideology that has no basis in reality because in our cushy westernised society we've lived in enough of a stable political and economic bubble to think that any such idea is nonsense. We see revolution as a plot device for fictitious stories that have no place in the real world. A thing that can only happen in destabilised environments where the leaders are warmongering dictators and the people are uneducated and barbaric. But as modern Western society shows us today on June 24th, 2022, this could not be further…

With the continued suppression and erosion of previously protected characteristics and workers rights as well as a continued and flagrant migration of wealth from the poor to the rich, the only thing that will change ANYTHING, ANY single thing, is a push towards the inevitability of full scale revolution.

In 2022 we still see revolution as a radical, mythological and impractical ideology that has no basis in reality because in our cushy westernised society we've lived in enough of a stable political and economic bubble to think that any such idea is nonsense. We see revolution as a plot device for fictitious stories that have no place in the real world. A thing that can only happen in destabilised environments where the leaders are warmongering dictators and the people are uneducated and barbaric.

But as modern Western society shows us today on June 24th, 2022, this could not be further from the truth.

Our attitude towards full scale sociopolitical revolution needs to change. And for American citizens especially it needs to change NOW.

We need as a collective people to realise that revolution à la the French Revolution (in which its oppressive and exploitative monarchy was abolished in favour of a true Democratic model) is quickly becoming one of the only tools that we have left to make any kind of difference. American Independence itself is a hard-won result of revolution against the British.

We keep being told that we need to VOTE for change, that our VOTES matter! That we can evoke change peacefully if we just VOTE for what we want!

But I don't know about you, but to me it looks like we did vote, and we did remove Trump from office, and we did vote for the President whom we thought change would occur, and it did lead to absolutely NOTHING changing. NOTHING. If I had not seen the Presidential election happen and known that Biden had replaced Trump, I wouldn't think twice about anything happening today simply coming from Trump in his 2nd term.

The US isn't a democracy. The US is a monarchy under multiple different governmental umbrella terms.

In some of our lifetimes, we have seen:

  • The ability to make an honest wage through the labour of our efforts stripped from us.
  • The ability to house and feed our children and our dependents on a single, fair wage taken from us.
  • The ability to take care of our health free from the burden of financial ruin taken from us.
  • The ability to live as people of colour in a world full of privileged white Reaganites in office continually forced upon us.
  • The ability to delineate our personal identities against those that are forced upon us based on our physical characteristics continually fought against.

And now today via the Supreme Court – a cabal of 12 predominantly white, old, Christian scumbags – we see that women's reproductive rights have been taken from us and those we love.

Right now, we are seeing a complete teardown of all progressive policy. Some of you, being white, being male, being cisgendered and only here in /r/antiwork to fight for your own better wages might not care so much about policy against race and sex but make no mistake – policy will soon come targeting you next.

Do you want to be forced to fight for your country in a legally enforceable Military draft should the United States take the fight to Russian borders? Do you want a return to pre-Union America where men toiled in physically laborious and ruinous jobs with no protections because they, as men, are physically capable, without representation, and are economically expendable?

These decisions affect all of us and they will not stop here. They will not stop at one race or gender – they're just starting there, and using foreign defence policy to tell us that it'll somehow help us crack down on fictitious terroristic dissidence, or religious sanctimony as though it's somehow God's will to police our people and our bodies, or using subversive language to convince us of that which is an abhorrent human rights violation does not have wide sweeping connotations until the next thing you know it's on your doorstep, and you shrug your shoulders because like a cancerous growth that you hoped to ignore it caught up with you and is now systemic and incurable.

Revolution is the only answer. We no longer have voices as voting has proven. We no longer have rights as the SCOTUS has demonstrated, but none of that matters as long as we tell them it doesn't matter, and we do that by taking to the streets, grinding society to a halt, and dragging the rich and the powerful out of their ivory towers and their lofty thrones and subjecting them to the court of public opinion.

This can not continue. For FUCK'S sake, and for the sake of ourselves, for the sake of society and for the sake of our children – This can NOT continue, and we need to collectively agree that we're one spark of hope away from a revolution igniting.

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