
struggles to balance foodservice and caring for self.

The title is what i’m struggling with. I work 20-25hrs/wk depending on the week, but I can’t seem to handle that AND taking care of myself, my plants, and my life. I can only seem to do one or another. I feel really embarrassed about this because i know that’s so easy for others/most people work WAY more hours/wk, but I feel a little better about it since my job isn’t easy. I make food in heavy rushes, understaffed, and also deal with horrible customers at register. It’s draining already plus the guilt that i can’t clean as much, AND anxiety about the fact that I can’t handle that much, so how do I provide for the rest of my life? I’m sorry for the wall of text but I was just wondering if anyone can commiserate/has any tips.

The title is what i’m struggling with. I work 20-25hrs/wk depending on the week, but I can’t seem to handle that AND taking care of myself, my plants, and my life. I can only seem to do one or another.

I feel really embarrassed about this because i know that’s so easy for others/most people work WAY more hours/wk, but I feel a little better about it since my job isn’t easy. I make food in heavy rushes, understaffed, and also deal with horrible customers at register. It’s draining already plus the guilt that i can’t clean as much, AND anxiety about the fact that I can’t handle that much, so how do I provide for the rest of my life?

I’m sorry for the wall of text but I was just wondering if anyone can commiserate/has any tips.

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