
Struggling with this job

This job is very easy. I am a financial analyst. I work 35 hours a week.. and it’s not the worst gig. I do not like how distracting everything and everyone is here though. I have some serious disabilities. I broke my neck and have a spinal cord injury.. and I had a stroke as well. I’m able bodied and everything, but I suffer from extreme insomnia. I can’t sleep naturally almost ever. I run on 4 hours of sleep most of the time. Anyway, I have the ability to work from home… but they don’t want me to work from home. I like almost an hour away and I don’t feel safe driving when I’m not able to sleep. I finally reached out to HR to tell them my situation to submit my medical/ psychiatric history for the insomnia. The man tells me I have to request reasonable accommodations…

This job is very easy. I am a financial analyst. I work 35 hours a week.. and it’s not the worst gig. I do not like how distracting everything and everyone is here though.

I have some serious disabilities. I broke my neck and have a spinal cord injury.. and I had a stroke as well. I’m able bodied and everything, but I suffer from extreme insomnia. I can’t sleep naturally almost ever. I run on 4 hours of sleep most of the time.

Anyway, I have the ability to work from home… but they don’t want me to work from home. I like almost an hour away and I don’t feel safe driving when I’m not able to sleep.

I finally reached out to HR to tell them my situation to submit my medical/ psychiatric history for the insomnia. The man tells me I have to request reasonable accommodations directly from my boss… but it’s an HR issue. I just want to be able to work from home when I cannot sleep.

My boss.. messages me for a doctors note for being sick. I messaged back.. I didn’t go to the doctor because I was trying to sleep all day and I had to take lots of sleep aids. I’m going to talk to my psychiatrist ASAP to get a note and further explanation. I think my job is at stake, but I have so much backing me up.

I have some serious anxiety around the whole thing. Please help ease my mind and if you have an advice I’m open to it all.

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