Wife decided since work at the family business is slowing down to apply for some part time work to keep money going and bill paid reliably.
First place: Travel center Kitchen staff, she used to be a manager of a travel center kitchen; place is 2 blocks away, has had hiring sign for over a month. Wife applys, company replies next day:
“Having open interviews at location in 'x' area.” (Almost 2h drive away w/traffic) company will not do interview at local store. 🤦️
Second place: nice resturant, she applies to work as a PT dishwasher: “were not hiring for that position anymore, but we can offer you a position on line if you go through 4 years of school, and get 1yr experience first.” ….. fucking what?!
These aren't gags… they are legit responses from potential employers; there's a few more but these were the highlights..
Meanwhile, I'm sure management for these places screams all day: “nobody wants to work!”
Anyone else got some “stupid/unnecessary roadblocks for stupid jobs” stories to share? Let's have some laughs at corporate stupidity today… I could use the giggle.