
Subordinate now Manager

I needed somewhere to vent. I have been working in the environmental sector for just under 20 years. 2 years ago the owner of the company hired someone with less experience to take over some of the fieldwork aspects of my role so I can spend more time in the office. After a while the new hire began to get his own clients and had his own projects so he stopped working on my tasks even though that's what he was hired for!!! He showed me a complete lack of respect and thinks my attitude is poor and lazy. The owner picked up on this and started having 'performance meetings' with me. So recently the current manager of my team left and because the my 'subordinate' does all this overtime and extra work (unpaid) the owner promotes him the management position. He was technically my superior even though I have…

I needed somewhere to vent. I have been working in the environmental sector for just under 20 years. 2 years ago the owner of the company hired someone with less experience to take over some of the fieldwork aspects of my role so I can spend more time in the office. After a while the new hire began to get his own clients and had his own projects so he stopped working on my tasks even though that's what he was hired for!!! He showed me a complete lack of respect and thinks my attitude is poor and lazy. The owner picked up on this and started having 'performance meetings' with me. So recently the current manager of my team left and because the my 'subordinate' does all this overtime and extra work (unpaid) the owner promotes him the management position. He was technically my superior even though I have 15 years more experience than him!

I handed in my keys to the building and left. Now the owner and the 'manager' are calling saying that if I don't come in and do 4 weeks work for my notice period that they'll make sure that all future employers know that I can't be relied on. Screw work!

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