
Suing my University for Unpaid Practicum Requirement

I want to bring an individual or class action lawsuit against my graduate school program's unpaid and uncompensated “practicum” requirement. (This is at a public “Big Ten” Midwestern University in the U.S. And, no, I am NOT in a medical program.) I have almost 10 years’ experience in my field, 2 current paid job positions in my field… and yet have to do an unpaid, 4-month internship to complete the graduate program. Even worse, the department director explicitly refuses to let current professionals use their current employment to complete the practicum requirement—and there are many other non-traditional students with relevant professional experience in this grad program, too. I'm certain there's no way the graduate school can claim that this practicum is useful for someone like me. It would cause financial harm by not paying me; it would harm my professional prospects, especially if I need to give up a paid…

I want to bring an individual or class action lawsuit against my graduate school program's unpaid and uncompensated “practicum” requirement. (This is at a public “Big Ten” Midwestern University in the U.S. And, no, I am NOT in a medical program.)

I have almost 10 years’ experience in my field, 2 current paid job positions in my field… and yet have to do an unpaid, 4-month internship to complete the graduate program. Even worse, the department director explicitly refuses to let current professionals use their current employment to complete the practicum requirement—and there are many other non-traditional students with relevant professional experience in this grad program, too.

I'm certain there's no way the graduate school can claim that this practicum is useful for someone like me. It would cause financial harm by not paying me; it would harm my professional prospects, especially if I need to give up a paid position I’ve had for nearly 10 years to perform the unpaid/uncompensated practicum; and it would cause reputational damage—because leaving a nearly 10-year position to pursue a temporary and unpaid internship would look horrible on my resume.)

Anyway. I have never filed a lawsuit or done anything like this before. I have already found the contact information for some local attorneys who do education and employment law on Justia; however, I am anxious AF to begin contacting them, and to take on my university/graduate-department. Does anyone have advice, suggestions, words of encouragement, etc. for me? If so, I would really appreciate your feedback! Ultimately, I feel this is important for me to do, because universities should be punished for trying to exploit students like this. (Also: as a gay and disabled student, it is hard for me not to feel targeted by this $#!+ on so many levels.)

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