
supervisor forgets to approve time costs me twice

So in my job we put our time in ourselves and our superviors approve it….then payroll puts it in and ect ect…well if its not in by a certain point it doesn't make it onto the check. So when we are short we are blamed each time…..dude im doing my job as much as it makes me wanna jump of a bridge now im doing what i gotta do….i can't stand over a superviors shoulder til he pays me. Thatll get me written up. But the company wont write voucbers or anything else so im just supposed to take a larger hit on my check next go around. Fuck this bullshit. It happens to damn often

So in my job we put our time in ourselves and our superviors approve it….then payroll puts it in and ect ect…well if its not in by a certain point it doesn't make it onto the check. So when we are short we are blamed each time…..dude im doing my job as much as it makes me wanna jump of a bridge now im doing what i gotta do….i can't stand over a superviors shoulder til he pays me. Thatll get me written up. But the company wont write voucbers or anything else so im just supposed to take a larger hit on my check next go around. Fuck this bullshit. It happens to damn often

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