
Supervisor is adjusting my time clock when I clock in too early despite corporate policy

I believe this is also against federal law. My supervisor took about 10-15 minutes off each of my work days last week. When I confronted him about this he said it was department policy to adjust the time clock to meet the “scheduled” work time, however I have to get on site early in order to be able to make it to my job location on time for shift hand off. I have an email from corporate that I saved stating if I need to be on site to fulfil my duties then I should be getting paid for it. I told my supervisor it is physically impossible for me to make to my position on time (he even agreed that it's impossible, but he said it's “policy”) and that I'd be late to hand off if I came in at the scheduled time. I feel like this is wage…

I believe this is also against federal law. My supervisor took about 10-15 minutes off each of my work days last week. When I confronted him about this he said it was department policy to adjust the time clock to meet the “scheduled” work time, however I have to get on site early in order to be able to make it to my job location on time for shift hand off. I have an email from corporate that I saved stating if I need to be on site to fulfil my duties then I should be getting paid for it. I told my supervisor it is physically impossible for me to make to my position on time (he even agreed that it's impossible, but he said it's “policy”) and that I'd be late to hand off if I came in at the scheduled time. I feel like this is wage theft and is pretty clear cut and dry. I live in Michigan, non union, hourly employee. I got my boss to email everything we talked about including adjusting my time clock so I have solid evidence of this happening. What are my options here? I am going to HR to present this situation but I would like to know if there's anything else I can do to put me in a better situation.

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