
Supervisor is expecting me to have lunch with them on my first day

I was just hired for an office job at a local college and start tomorrow. I got an email today from my supervisor with an outline of my initial week of work. In there they state that they will treat me to lunch on my first day. I'm hesitant to accept because I am pretty sure it's implied I'm not getting paid for that lunchtime even though it's with my supervisor. They don't sat anything about a mandatory lunch, but I am sure it would look poorly if I refuse. ​ What would ya'll do??

I was just hired for an office job at a local college and start tomorrow. I got an email today from my supervisor with an outline of my initial week of work. In there they state that they will treat me to lunch on my first day. I'm hesitant to accept because I am pretty sure it's implied I'm not getting paid for that lunchtime even though it's with my supervisor. They don't sat anything about a mandatory lunch, but I am sure it would look poorly if I refuse.

What would ya'll do??

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