
Supervisor Threatened me for Unclear Reasons

Just got off a call with my inmediate supervisor, it was pretty normal at first talking about some process reviews I'm doing and how I needed to reach out to another lab when suddenly it veered off in a bizarre direction. They just said out of the blue that they had received some comments from HR, and that I should be aware that they had enough documentation to fire me if they wanted. This was followed by a full half hour of angry ranting about me and my coworkers. Thing is, not only do I know those documents don't exist, they also don't have the authority to fire me or even any say in the matter, and on top of that I wasn't the one who made whatever complaint they are referring to. I already contact HR just to tell them what happened but damn that was a hell of…

Just got off a call with my inmediate supervisor, it was pretty normal at first talking about some process reviews I'm doing and how I needed to reach out to another lab when suddenly it veered off in a bizarre direction.

They just said out of the blue that they had received some comments from HR, and that I should be aware that they had enough documentation to fire me if they wanted. This was followed by a full half hour of angry ranting about me and my coworkers.

Thing is, not only do I know those documents don't exist, they also don't have the authority to fire me or even any say in the matter, and on top of that I wasn't the one who made whatever complaint they are referring to. I already contact HR just to tell them what happened but damn that was a hell of a start to the week.

If anyone has any further advice I would welcome it; not sure how to process being retaliated againat for something I didn't even do.

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