
Survivors Guilt

I just made it through the supposed last round of layoffs at Disney after months upon months of layoffs and “creative restructures” or whatever they are calling them and all I can think about is the thousands of people who lost their jobs. I am in no way celebrating this and wish more than anything that I could afford to quite with no notice in solidarity. The mental toll of working for such a soulless monolith is borderline unbearable and I am not entirely sure how to proceed. I have immense guilt from not being one of the ones laid off and was looking for advice on how others are navigating similar situations.

I just made it through the supposed last round of layoffs at Disney after months upon months of layoffs and “creative restructures” or whatever they are calling them and all I can think about is the thousands of people who lost their jobs. I am in no way celebrating this and wish more than anything that I could afford to quite with no notice in solidarity. The mental toll of working for such a soulless monolith is borderline unbearable and I am not entirely sure how to proceed. I have immense guilt from not being one of the ones laid off and was looking for advice on how others are navigating similar situations.

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