
Suspended in Purgatory.

I worked really hard to get the position I have at the company I work for today. I spent three years driving 500 miles 1-2x a month to volunteer at the nearest wildlife refuge to gain experience working with exotic animals. Studying to get a B.S. in Biology. After applying/interviewing over and over, I finally got in. It's a government job for one of the biggest cities in California, and everyone including myself thought it would be a breakthrough. Upon hire, I signed paperwork that states I acknowledge that I: Will always be part-time and never go full-time. Therefore, I am ineligible for receiving any benefits. Including, No overtime. And, Not to expect a raise in pay, ever. I was shocked sitting there, staring at this paper. But I signed it, because I tried so hard to just get in. Now six months in and I swear to God, someone…

I worked really hard to get the position I have at the company I work for today. I spent three years driving 500 miles 1-2x a month to volunteer at the nearest wildlife refuge to gain experience working with exotic animals. Studying to get a B.S. in Biology.

After applying/interviewing over and over, I finally got in.
It's a government job for one of the biggest cities in California, and everyone including myself thought it would be a breakthrough.

Upon hire, I signed paperwork that states I acknowledge that I:

  1. Will always be part-time and never go full-time.
  2. I am ineligible for receiving any benefits.
  3. No overtime.
  4. Not to expect a raise in pay, ever.

I was shocked sitting there, staring at this paper. But I signed it, because I tried so hard to just get in.

Now six months in and I swear to God, someone calls out Every. Single. Shift.

And we're already short-staffed up the ass, I mean to the point where I'll show up expecting to work with two other people and I'm the only one that shows up for the entire day.

Which means I'm not only doing MY duties scheduled for the day, I'm picking up everything else that needs to be done as well. I'm literally doing the job of 2.5 people. The same people call out every week with the same weak excuses, and my boss just bends over and spreads her cheeks for them.

Last week I got creamed on the road and totaled my car. With bruised ribs and no reliable transportation, I made it to every single one of my shifts, and even covered one day. Despite asking for light duty due to the accident, every day this past week someone called out & I was essentially forced to double up while my coworkers stayed home because they were “exposed” to someone with C19.

How do I make this stop? I'm starting to burn out, quick.

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