I had my review last week. I thought it went well – new goals were aligned and no real commentary from managers.
I received an email from a manager recapping with a request to edit my goals and schedule another 1:1 for early next week.
20 mins later, he wants to connect.
He asked how I think it went, I think it went well. They felt by me asking what the next steps are (at the end of the review) is me not taking ownership (of my review wtf). OK fine.
9 pm I receive a meeting for 10 the next day to recap in depth. I am told that the other manager wasn't impressed, I lack ownership and ambition, they're trying to find a clear path for me and it isn't looking good (said this twice), I'm silent and said I was preparing a debrief for next week and I'm processing. He says I can take the day if needed – I don't.
Wth?! If I wasn't ambitious before, I sure won't be now. Also find out they asked my counterpart to schedule a meeting as they have more exciting opportunities for her. She is in a LCOL area and I am in a VHCOL area fwiw.
I don't know what to say in the debrief this week. I am ok with being let go, this isn't my main source of income but it's my standard 9-5. Insurance is covered by spouse etc.
How do I still get unemployment/severance?