
Sycophantic Little Punks!

Our district operations manager and many of the execs above him are dick sucking fuck bags! They say the reason we can’t keep or hire enough people is an attitude problem not a pay problem, while part timers that mostly barely get 40 hours make minimum wage! Other companies in the area have been raising their lowest wages. Meanwhile, department managers like me that work their asses off along side their underpaid staff also continue to be way underpaid. The next step above me is Assistant Manager and they make over double. Most of them also work their asses off. I watch my store management work really shitty schedules so I’m glad they make what they do to literally get force fed shit by corporate shills that come through tearing them down all the time. However why is it that as a department head working my ass off and hearing…

Our district operations manager and many of the execs above him are dick sucking fuck bags! They say the reason we can’t keep or hire enough people is an attitude problem not a pay problem, while part timers that mostly barely get 40 hours make minimum wage! Other companies in the area have been raising their lowest wages. Meanwhile, department managers like me that work their asses off along side their underpaid staff also continue to be way underpaid. The next step above me is Assistant Manager and they make over double. Most of them also work their asses off. I watch my store management work really shitty schedules so I’m glad they make what they do to literally get force fed shit by corporate shills that come through tearing them down all the time. However why is it that as a department head working my ass off and hearing the same witless fuckery coming out of these walking dick pics, doesn’t come with at least a 30 dollars an hour base? That’s not even the minimum cost of living for my area for an average sized family! Long story short, I finally broke down and said my spiel that I am actively looking for different employment and have been getting interviews. I was told that is great and I should do what’s best for me and my family and not worry about where that leaves the store if and when I leave. This shows how great current management at the store level is. Once I get a job though I am going to give more of my honest opinion of the misogynist witless toad buckets that run this fuckery of a company! I am done! I write this as I am about to be down to one employee that is actually mine. I’ll have one to train but the rest are either out for an extended time or leaving due to better opportunities and the same disagreements I have with these assholes that call themselves corporate leaders! Fuck!

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