
Taking away flex time

My first time posting and I need your advice. Work for small nonprofit about 90 people. We have had a huge turner rate and senior staff retiring, company is trying to be more flexible. They increased our breaks to 20 minutes and added flex time. Flex time can be used for appointments, school concert, infrequent use, but you have make up the time that week. I am new to company and had my PTO built up to 40 hrs, then my husband gets sick and I end up using it all. So having flex time for small appointments helped me build back up my PTO to 35 hours. At our staff meeting this week, supervisor says starting January 1st, no more flex time in our office, I have to treat everyone the same and you have to save your PTO for appointments. 2 of my coworkers have been there for…

My first time posting and I need your advice.
Work for small nonprofit about 90 people. We have had a huge turner rate and senior staff retiring, company is trying to be more flexible. They increased our breaks to 20 minutes and added flex time. Flex time can be used for appointments, school concert, infrequent use, but you have make up the time that week. I am new to company and had my PTO built up to 40 hrs, then my husband gets sick and I end up using it all. So having flex time for small appointments helped me build back up my PTO to 35 hours. At our staff meeting this week, supervisor says starting January 1st, no more flex time in our office, I have to treat everyone the same and you have to save your PTO for appointments. 2 of my coworkers have been there for 5 and 10 years. They don't mind because they have tons of time built up.
The policy hasn't changed for the agency, just our office. I am so irritated, how can I build up PTO if I have to take time off for small doctor appointments? I tried HR and they said it's a case by case thing. No support. I used flex time 3 weeks in a row one month, all for doctor appointments.
I just want to be a jerk and never come in early, scoop snow, volunteer to help, etc. I guess I will be using up my PTO and then what? Oh, supervisor said you can take unpaid leave, but it will reflect on your attendance. I have not abused my PTO, no vacations, just doctor appointments.
Is there anything I can do?

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