
Taking more than 5 days off with Covid?

I’ve been at this job 6 months and already had poor attendance before I got Covid and had to take more time off. I think I already called off 4 times before this. I’m pretty sure they’re going to have a meeting with me about my attendance when I come back. I know I probably sound like a terrible employee but this place is overworked and understaffed. I do a good job when I’m there and my bosses tell me that. But Im doing way too much for one person. Nobody stays. I’ve already seen 4/5 people quit. Im also going to start looking for a new job once I’m well again. So it’s been 7 days since I started having symptoms and 5 days since I tested positive. I’m supposed to go back to work tomorrow but I work a physical job where I’m standing and lifting all day.…

I’ve been at this job 6 months and already had poor attendance before I got Covid and had to take more time off. I think I already called off 4 times before this. I’m pretty sure they’re going to have a meeting with me about my attendance when I come back. I know I probably sound like a terrible employee but this place is overworked and understaffed. I do a good job when I’m there and my bosses tell me that. But Im doing way too much for one person. Nobody stays. I’ve already seen 4/5 people quit. Im also going to start looking for a new job once I’m well again.

So it’s been 7 days since I started having symptoms and 5 days since I tested positive. I’m supposed to go back to work tomorrow but I work a physical job where I’m standing and lifting all day. I’m not running a fever but I feel like if I go back tomorrow I will be coughing and short of breath all day.

I feel fine for the first couple hours in the morning, then the coughing, fatigue and brain fog starts. Although today is probably the best I’ve felt, I’m still having symptoms and needing to use the inhaler I got prescribed

My boss said in a text to let her know by tonight if I’m coming in for sure tomorrow. She left a voicemail yesterday too saying she wants to check in on me but she sounded so annoyed. I want to ask her if I can come back Wednesday instead of tomorrow, but I know she wants me to come back tomorrow and they’ll be annoyed if I ask to have another day off.

I started having symptoms Tuesday and called out Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, I got a few calls and a voicemail from my other boss telling me she understands I’m not feeling well but still needs me to come in. I didnt respond until that night and told her I’m going to take a Covid test in the morning. When I told her it was positive, she understood and didn’t seem mad that I needed the time off.

I know they are probably in a bind because I’m not there to do my work but I’m still scared to come back because of the possibility of passing it on to others and being out of breath all day, also feel like they might just fire me when I ask for another day off

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