
Targeted by manager. Meeting with HR finally. What can I ACTUALLY expect from them?

Long story short, I was part of a (failed/unionbusted) union organizing campaign 1.5 years ago and my manager has just started to give me insanely harsh and financially consequential warnings and write ups for petty shit after years of never being in “trouble” once. So recently our company hired this hot shot HR lady and I told her I wanted to meet about recent disciplinary actions that have been taken against me. I’m not stupid enough to think that she will sympathize or take my side at all, but I’m very curious to clues as to whether this is a systemic targeting campaign to get rid of me or keep me on my toes at all times, or if my boss is just making power moves. Any remotely intelligent company admin should look at these write ups and see them as a direct reflection of poor leadership by the manager,…

Long story short, I was part of a (failed/unionbusted) union organizing campaign 1.5 years ago and my manager has just started to give me insanely harsh and financially consequential warnings and write ups for petty shit after years of never being in “trouble” once. So recently our company hired this hot shot HR lady and I told her I wanted to meet about recent disciplinary actions that have been taken against me.

I’m not stupid enough to think that she will sympathize or take my side at all, but I’m very curious to clues as to whether this is a systemic targeting campaign to get rid of me or keep me on my toes at all times, or if my boss is just making power moves. Any remotely intelligent company admin should look at these write ups and see them as a direct reflection of poor leadership by the manager, so I’m not sure if I should go into this meeting from the angle of complaining about the manager’s conduct or if I should just try to get these disciplinary marks rescinded.

These petty write ups are costing me multiple bonuses and two years of raises. How does HR handle these situations? I know HR exists to staunchly represent the company view, but sure they must be concerned about harassment or wrongful termination lawsuits.

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