
Teacher Burnout Research in Florida

Hello! I am a current 11th grade student enrolled in AP Research. My research project entails discussing burnout and the perpetuation of it due to school administration, through the research question “How Do School Administrations Increase Burnout Levels in High School STEM Teachers in Florida?” I am trying to reach out to as many high school STEM teachers in Florida as possible, which is why I am reaching out in this subreddit. If possible please fill out this survey, as honestly as possible. This survey is also completely anonymous. This is a crucial part of my research study, and I will attach a link to the survey below. Again, please complete if possible! Thanks so much for your time! Link:


I am a current 11th grade student enrolled in AP Research. My research project entails discussing burnout and the perpetuation of it due to school administration, through the research question “How Do School Administrations Increase Burnout Levels in High School STEM Teachers in Florida?” I am trying to reach out to as many high school STEM teachers in Florida as possible, which is why I am reaching out in this subreddit. If possible please fill out this survey, as honestly as possible. This survey is also completely anonymous. This is a crucial part of my research study, and I will attach a link to the survey below. Again, please complete if possible! Thanks so much for your time!


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