
Teachers are losing it

Every time new principals and superintendents come in, they try to “leave their mark.” So what happens? A rollout of brand new systems and policies that will last for about as long as they’re in power. But do they give us teachers the resources? No. Instead, they make us design the new curriculum from scratch, and give us shitty Professional Development during our only prep time that is supposed to help us do this. Which means we have no time to do normal teacher stuff like make and grade assignments. We don’t get paid enough, and on top of this, when we ask for support, officials on every level point fingers at each other saying it’s the other person’s problem, and nothing ever gets done. We’re exhausted, way overworked, underfunded, underpaid, and I blame capitalism. And all some of us are trying to do is help the underprivileged kids in…

Every time new principals and superintendents come in, they try to “leave their mark.” So what happens? A rollout of brand new systems and policies that will last for about as long as they’re in power. But do they give us teachers the resources? No. Instead, they make us design the new curriculum from scratch, and give us shitty Professional Development during our only prep time that is supposed to help us do this. Which means we have no time to do normal teacher stuff like make and grade assignments. We don’t get paid enough, and on top of this, when we ask for support, officials on every level point fingers at each other saying it’s the other person’s problem, and nothing ever gets done. We’re exhausted, way overworked, underfunded, underpaid, and I blame capitalism. And all some of us are trying to do is help the underprivileged kids in our communities and give them a good education. Someone needs to fix this shit.

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