
Team is being put under ridiculous expectations and I’m being blamed for everything wrong

I'm not really seeking advice but if anyone has insight, I'm all ears and do appreciate it. We're a team of 5. Most of management has been replaced, so the new management is trying to max out all of our working hours by making them do 5+ different things that don't align with each other. They're changing our skill-specific role to something that handles 5 different ones (think front end web developers taking on backend web dev, UI/UX design, app dev, and tech support). It's wearing multiple hats at once for 1/5th of the pay. Unfortunately there's a clause in their signed documents that makes it “legal” because of incredibly vague wording. My team is unaware of this, but it will happen soon. Every effort I made to improve the state and value of our team has been shut down for the past several months, but at the same time…

I'm not really seeking advice but if anyone has insight, I'm all ears and do appreciate it.

We're a team of 5. Most of management has been replaced, so the new management is trying to max out all of our working hours by making them do 5+ different things that don't align with each other. They're changing our skill-specific role to something that handles 5 different ones (think front end web developers taking on backend web dev, UI/UX design, app dev, and tech support). It's wearing multiple hats at once for 1/5th of the pay. Unfortunately there's a clause in their signed documents that makes it “legal” because of incredibly vague wording.

My team is unaware of this, but it will happen soon. Every effort I made to improve the state and value of our team has been shut down for the past several months, but at the same time I'm being chewed out for supposedly not working hard enough and doing things exactly the way they want it, to the minute detail, without even being told the details on what to do. Think “build a house, but I don't have a design in mind…why did you paint the walls white and make it two-stories instead of three?!”

I've been looking for a new job for the past week and honestly want to warn my team members, but I can't because my manager has been micromanaging me and breathing down my neck during every single meeting. I can't do one thing without him wanting to know what I was doing, and if it involves other team members, he wants to know it to the T.

I'm sick of this toxic work culture crap that acts like they care about their employees while treating them like garbage.

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