
Teenager daughter was told to make a choice between an international summer program or her $11.00 an hour/ 10 hour per week retail job

She put in a request for a month off from work and the manager pulled her aside today to ask why she needs a month off. After she explained that she’ll be out of the country he told her that he won’t guarantee her any hours when she returns and she’ll have to let him know by tomorrow if she’s going to choose the trip or the job. Like most 16 year olds she is a bit intimidated by her boss. But when I laughed about the absurd choice she relaxed. I told her that no job is ever worth giving up a life changing experience. I’m happy this is happening when she’s a kid so she’ll be prepared with a good answer if it happens once she’s an adult. I told her that this is why fuck-you-money is so important.

She put in a request for a month off from work and the manager pulled her aside today to ask why she needs a month off. After she explained that she’ll be out of the country he told her that he won’t guarantee her any hours when she returns and she’ll have to let him know by tomorrow if she’s going to choose the trip or the job.

Like most 16 year olds she is a bit intimidated by her boss. But when I laughed about the absurd choice she relaxed. I told her that no job is ever worth giving up a life changing experience. I’m happy this is happening when she’s a kid so she’ll be prepared with a good answer if it happens once she’s an adult. I told her that this is why fuck-you-money is so important.

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