
Tell me why you work far way from where you live and propose a solution that does not pay for your commute.

Since I keep hearing a lot of people here against the idea of commutes being compensated for, why are you willing to drive so long to your job and if work from home isn't an option, what would you personally do to solve your specific situation, even if it required an internal solution? For me, the reason I live far away from where I work is: I suffer from chronic pain, fatigue and cancer, but I had to choose this job because I haven't been very lucky in my industry. All the employers within a reasonable distance of where I live are completely shady or have unrealistic expectations. I am someone 3 years out of college, with 6 years of relevant work experience in my field. Yet none of these nearvy employers want to take me in, because they are generally small companies in a suburban area and require someone…

Since I keep hearing a lot of people here against the idea of commutes being compensated for, why are you willing to drive so long to your job and if work from home isn't an option, what would you personally do to solve your specific situation, even if it required an internal solution?

For me, the reason I live far away from where I work is: I suffer from chronic pain, fatigue and cancer, but I had to choose this job because I haven't been very lucky in my industry. All the employers within a reasonable distance of where I live are completely shady or have unrealistic expectations. I am someone 3 years out of college, with 6 years of relevant work experience in my field. Yet none of these nearvy employers want to take me in, because they are generally small companies in a suburban area and require someone who is much older and has been longer in the business than I have. If it wasn't related to my experience, it was probably because I was going to the doctor and this somehow threatened their profits.

I chose this job, because I have multiple medical bills resulting from my medical conditions. I have spent almost $3,000 on procedures and appointments. It looked like a raise from my initial viewing ($8 more than my previous bad jobs). But even with this, I lose an extra $600 to taxes, and I still cannot afford the high pay of rent in the expensive area where I work. I have even gotten a second job to help myself, but even then some of my earnings goes to my family's utilities (my brother who makes a lot of money at home, refuses to help my dad who's in serious debt).

Last year I was diagnosed with cancer. This year I was diagnosed with Sjorgen's Syndrome. This year I was also diagnosed with bulging discs and pinched nerves. I drive a hellish 90 minutes to work, sitting 8 hours a day, drive 90 minutes or more home and spend the rest of the day trying to recover for the next shift tomorrow, instead of trying to be productive and grow new skills outside my work.

If I were to propose a solution, it would obviously have to do with wage and housing prices. Increase the national minimum wage to $20/hr. at the least and cap size the prices that landlords and home flippers have on housing. Also make better accommodations for people with certain conditions mandatory for all businesses. At the moment, my place only allows people with disabilities to work from home during half the day. The rest has to be in the office either in the morning or in the afternoon.

Oh and on a side note, free healthcare for all, to get rid of those uneccessary financial burdens stopping you from paying your landleech.

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