
Temp Agencies stealth bloat budgets

This happened to me years ago, maybe it's common knowledge, but it's happening a second time with a new agency. Maybe this will be a warning, I'll tell what happened to me years ago, working foe a medical device company in Massachusetts. It had just been acquired by a larger company, and all the employees were worried about being fired, literally being made redundant. The man who would be my boss for a short supervisor's boss had told him , because of future uncertainty, he couldn't get a new hire, but they would hire a temp to do filing, which turned out to be me. I had this one big task of filing all these medical studies. I was competant, but slow, organizing isn't really my strong suite, but I was happy to have a job! They did give me a lot of criticism, undue criticism, because basically they thought…

This happened to me years ago, maybe it's common knowledge, but it's happening a second time with a new agency. Maybe this will be a warning, I'll tell what happened to me years ago, working foe a medical device company in Massachusetts. It had just been acquired by a larger company, and all the employees were worried about being fired, literally being made redundant. The man who would be my boss for a short supervisor's boss had told him , because of future uncertainty, he couldn't get a new hire, but they would hire a temp to do filing, which turned out to be me. I had this one big task of filing all these medical studies. I was competant, but slow, organizing isn't really my strong suite, but I was happy to have a job! They did give me a lot of criticism, undue criticism, because basically they thought they could hire me and get rid of me quick. And they did. There was a simple misfiling, and they blew it up all out of proportion. But, the supervisor called me, I believe it was the next day, panicked. What his boss hadn't told him, that the company had paid my wages for a whole year, and it was totally forfeit to the temp company upon my release from employment. The supervisor, in a quiet and shy voice, asked me if I would come back, because that fee had blown the budget for any new employee. I have to admit, it was with some satisfaction I turned him down. Not only had I been unfairly treated, but one of the staff had insulted the mentally ill by saying that they were weak and she knew people who had been through war without suffering psychological problems. I didn't tell her beloved family members of mine had serious psychological conditions. Just because they fight their battles in their own head, that doesn't mean they are weak. Sorry for going offtopic. The supervisor seemed pretty sure he wasn't going to stay employed after the next budget review, and I don't know for certain, but I think the rest of the department got canned. After all, they must have thought sacrificing a whole year of near minimun wages was going to save them a lot .
This time it's happening In a charter school with a much smaller budget. This new supervisor seems to think he can fire me with no consequences to him. I know the school district is interested in scrapping this school, and I know the possibly large sums of money the disrict spent on getting an employment agency will not look good in the school's budget. Even though they got rid of me within days, big money has already been taken out that they'll have to account for. Maybe just the principal will be blamed, or maybe it will be used as a reason to shut the little charter school down. Which is pretty sad. I imagine these schemes may be common with employment agencies. They get a good sum, and companies and municipal organizations have an unbeatable weapon.

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