
Terrible boss won’t even let us take breaks.

I work in the mining industry specifically driving haul truck. It's not a bad job besides the fact that I work for a complete narcissist that only cares about meeting his quota for the day. Its so bad now that most the truck drivers are peeing in bottles because they don't want to be harassed for stopping and using the restroom. Complete company kiss ass that won't even go to bat for his guys. Also don't even think about missing a day of work to take care of your kids, that's a fireable offense. Seriously fml don't be like this guy if you're ever a boss.

I work in the mining industry specifically driving haul truck. It's not a bad job besides the fact that I work for a complete narcissist that only cares about meeting his quota for the day. Its so bad now that most the truck drivers are peeing in bottles because they don't want to be harassed for stopping and using the restroom. Complete company kiss ass that won't even go to bat for his guys. Also don't even think about missing a day of work to take care of your kids, that's a fireable offense. Seriously fml don't be like this guy if you're ever a boss.

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