
Texas Labor Law

My boyfriend works a really shitty job (management) but at an upscale restaurant and gets great tips. He started working there a few weeks and the restaurant has a first 5 shifts policy for training. No tips but federal minimum wage. He finished that weeks ago but the owner decides to come in today decided he wasn’t trained properly on the menu enough by his own “bullshit standards” and told him he’s going back to training again so no tips for the foreseeable future and back to federal minimum wage. But he did this literally an hour into his shift. Told him the rest of the shift and forward until he passes a “test”. I know in most states legally employers are required to give you notice if they are going to reduce your wage. Is this in the case of texas too?

My boyfriend works a really shitty job (management) but at an upscale restaurant and gets great tips. He started working there a few weeks and the restaurant has a first 5 shifts policy for training. No tips but federal minimum wage. He finished that weeks ago but the owner decides to come in today decided he wasn’t trained properly on the menu enough by his own “bullshit standards” and told him he’s going back to training again so no tips for the foreseeable future and back to federal minimum wage. But he did this literally an hour into his shift. Told him the rest of the shift and forward until he passes a “test”. I know in most states legally employers are required to give you notice if they are going to reduce your wage. Is this in the case of texas too?

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