
Thank you, supervisor, for pushing me to the point that I need to take a lovely and restful mental health day for myself.

I work in HR right now but my career started out with various retail/service industry jobs so the get-to-work-at-all-costs mentality is still pretty rooted. But, I’ve always been pro-union and reading this sub over the past year has definitely helped me realize my worth as a human worker. Gotta micromanager of a boss who has a very strong personality and has probably sniffed me out as weak due to the fact that I am not good at pushing back or standing up for myself in the face of conflict. Nevertheless, I do valuable and dependable work even if I’m not the most bad-ass trailblazer in the place. Got lit up on Friday for not taking good enough notes at a meeting last week. I was informed that the purpose of note taking is to capture the content of the meeting (I’m no Einstein but I did graduate summa cum laude…

I work in HR right now but my career started out with various retail/service industry jobs so the get-to-work-at-all-costs mentality is still pretty rooted.

But, I’ve always been pro-union and reading this sub over the past year has definitely helped me realize my worth as a human worker.

Gotta micromanager of a boss who has a very strong personality and has probably sniffed me out as weak due to the fact that I am not good at pushing back or standing up for myself in the face of conflict.

Nevertheless, I do valuable and dependable work even if I’m not the most bad-ass trailblazer in the place.

Got lit up on Friday for not taking good enough notes at a meeting last week. I was informed that the purpose of note taking is to capture the content of the meeting (I’m no Einstein but I did graduate summa cum laude from my graduate program) and that “this is a problem she’s had with me before.”

I am very dedicated to doing good work so when I get constantly nitpicked for the things I do wrong but never acknowledged for any of my strengths or that I am a human with thoughts and feelings, it really wears me down.

I had a migraine all weekend, didn’t sleep well, and now I’m taking the day off for self care and rest.

Enjoy your 2-hour team meeting without me today, someone else can take the notes.

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