
Thanks to a coworker, I just found out I’m being paid below the minimum wage.

I work in Washington state. This January, the minimum wage changed from 13.69 to 14.49. Since then, I’ve just been getting the old wage, unaware that I should legally be getting more. After bitching to a coworker about how low my pay still is (yes we were discussing our wages) I found out that I’ve been getting cheated. Any advice on how to handle this? It’s not the first time shit like this has happened. I’ve also been cheated out of overtime pay in the past. This is really starting to piss me off.

I work in Washington state. This January, the minimum wage changed from 13.69 to 14.49. Since then, I’ve just been getting the old wage, unaware that I should legally be getting more. After bitching to a coworker about how low my pay still is (yes we were discussing our wages) I found out that I’ve been getting cheated.

Any advice on how to handle this? It’s not the first time shit like this has happened. I’ve also been cheated out of overtime pay in the past. This is really starting to piss me off.

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