
“That makes me look bad”

I still think about this from time to time. Back around 2007/8-ish I was working as low level contractor for a company 10pm-7am, that stuffs custom cards into boxes, roll the wire into the holes for calendars, and other craft stuff. I don’t remember much detail. I just hated doing the calendars for sure. But anyways lots of manual work. Lots of contractors and of course, there’s quotas. 10-12 hr shifts with no chairs were not uncommon. Not only that I was still in college. We had 2 supervisor. 1 always come to work in military attire, boots and all. Reserves I guess? The other, a rather normal looking guy, bigger, always wear a cap. One month in, apparently did our normal briefing but both supervisors were there, and we were below 50% in hitting our daily quotas. But the normal guy said very very loudly… “when you guys don’t…

I still think about this from time to time. Back around 2007/8-ish I was working as low level contractor for a company 10pm-7am, that stuffs custom cards into boxes, roll the wire into the holes for calendars, and other craft stuff. I don’t remember much detail. I just hated doing the calendars for sure. But anyways lots of manual work. Lots of contractors and of course, there’s quotas. 10-12 hr shifts with no chairs were not uncommon. Not only that I was still in college.

We had 2 supervisor. 1 always come to work in military attire, boots and all. Reserves I guess? The other, a rather normal looking guy, bigger, always wear a cap. One month in, apparently did our normal briefing but both supervisors were there, and we were below 50% in hitting our daily quotas. But the normal guy said very very loudly… “when you guys don’t hit your quotas, your targets, it makes you look bad. It makes the department look bad because we’re not meeting our expectations. And that makes me look bad.” I was kind of surprised and looked around and no one really reacted. Like it’s a normal thing

Later I asked the military guy if I could take a day or two off to study and do my final and he gave me a tiny bit of shit for it but allowed it. I just never went back after I took my final. F them both.

lol “makes me look bad”

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