
That time I failed a drug test during a group interview

So, about 4 or 5 years ago, I went to interview for a job at a ThredUp warehouse. They're not listed on my resume even though I did get hired, and they're the one bridge I'm happy to re-burn every chance I get. There were probably 20 of us there for the interview, and every part of it was done in the same room surrounded by each other. They gave us all a saliva-based drug test to take, and I called the interviewer over to quietly tell her that I would get a false positive because my Vyvanse would activate the amphetamine portion. She loudly said to the entire group that “there are no false positives” and that I had to take it anyway. I was young and dumb and didn't realize how big of a privacy violation this was, so I did it. I tested positive for amphetamines exactly…

So, about 4 or 5 years ago, I went to interview for a job at a ThredUp warehouse. They're not listed on my resume even though I did get hired, and they're the one bridge I'm happy to re-burn every chance I get.

There were probably 20 of us there for the interview, and every part of it was done in the same room surrounded by each other. They gave us all a saliva-based drug test to take, and I called the interviewer over to quietly tell her that I would get a false positive because my Vyvanse would activate the amphetamine portion. She loudly said to the entire group that “there are no false positives” and that I had to take it anyway. I was young and dumb and didn't realize how big of a privacy violation this was, so I did it. I tested positive for amphetamines exactly as I said I would, and when people could see which color strip I failed, I had to tell all of them about my mental health and medications because the alternative was letting my future coworkers believe I used meth. These were mostly high school kids with no work experience who just learned from the interviewer that drug tests never give false positives. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Later I was terminated near the middle of my probationary 60 days on my first and only sick day, with no explanation given. They held massive interviews just like mine every single week, just expecting turnover to be extremely fast. Whenever there weren't enough people to leave, they'd just force a few out to make room for the new kids who didn't know better.

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