
Thats why you are more tired and exhausted after work than after a full day working out

What i hated the most when working for companys and corps is not even the work itself but the whole spiel and acting around it. Its sooo exhausting. Always acting nice, lying the whole time and remembering every shit you ever said so that the character you actually made up (you act as him) for them makes sense. Toxic people who have a higher Position and their passive agressive behavior. After my Internship i swore myself to never work a 9-5 ever again.

What i hated the most when working for companys and corps is not even the work itself but the whole spiel and acting around it. Its sooo exhausting.
Always acting nice, lying the whole time and remembering every shit you ever said so that the character you actually made up (you act as him) for them makes sense.
Toxic people who have a higher Position and their passive agressive behavior.
After my Internship i swore myself to never work a 9-5 ever again.

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