
The 9-to-5 Back

Does anyone else suffer from the famous “9-to-5 Back?” My fucking back hurts so damn bad from sitting at desk for the past 7/8 years. Working in a cubical and/or at a desk is truly physically miserable… I've done it all: retail, warehouse, misc. office shit, IT, healthcare, etc. and never in my life have I been more exhausted and in pain than I am when I have a job that requires me to be at a desk. If I get into a car accident where another driver slams into the rear of my car, causing me back issues, I'll most likely get a nice payout and be able to see a chiropractor for free. Why when working for an employer doing a job that causes my back severe pain can I not hold them responsible? I hate that I do this to myself… I hate myself for bending over…

Does anyone else suffer from the famous “9-to-5 Back?” My fucking back hurts so damn bad from sitting at desk for the past 7/8 years. Working in a cubical and/or at a desk is truly physically miserable… I've done it all: retail, warehouse, misc. office shit, IT, healthcare, etc. and never in my life have I been more exhausted and in pain than I am when I have a job that requires me to be at a desk.

If I get into a car accident where another driver slams into the rear of my car, causing me back issues, I'll most likely get a nice payout and be able to see a chiropractor for free. Why when working for an employer doing a job that causes my back severe pain can I not hold them responsible?

I hate that I do this to myself… I hate myself for bending over backwards year after year. I hate myself for not speaking up about being in pain. I hate making fucking excuses for these shit businesses. I hate needing to have my entire existence revolve around a damn job.

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