
The amount of people that support the way capitalism is evolving is mindblowing

We all know about how Elon Musk bought twitter and decided to fire many employees, while expecting the reamaining ones to work harder and longer. Workers have been striped away from privileges just because a fithy rich person wanted to make himself even richer(Also have in mind Twitter has been making profit even with all of the privileges avavible to employees). And yet he is praised for what he has done because “Now twitter employees will need to do some real work”. The tech industry is expecting alarming amount of layoffs and MAJORITY of people are reacting with statements such as “To be fair I never see any work being done in thoe Day at Google videos”. Who would have thought that person is going to record a minute long video showing the workplace instead of raw footage of them working… What comes out of peoples mouths is pure jealousy,…

We all know about how Elon Musk bought twitter and decided to fire many employees, while expecting the reamaining ones to work harder and longer. Workers have been striped away from privileges just because a fithy rich person wanted to make himself even richer(Also have in mind Twitter has been making profit even with all of the privileges avavible to employees). And yet he is praised for what he has done because “Now twitter employees will need to do some real work”. The tech industry is expecting alarming amount of layoffs and MAJORITY of people are reacting with statements such as “To be fair I never see any work being done in thoe Day at Google videos”. Who would have thought that person is going to record a minute long video showing the workplace instead of raw footage of them working…

What comes out of peoples mouths is pure jealousy, because they don't have such privileges in their workspace. Why can't we react positively that people can have a good job and feel happy? Why are we not encouraging good working conditions, so one day we can experience them on all sorts of positions and not only in tech companies?

Who are we to define what real work is? People that are being exploited all over the world working 12hr/day and getting payed in pennies for it. Wouldn't that be the real work then? By that logic we should just get back to working 12hr shifts, so we can experience the real work, while we allow worlds richest to become a little bit richer.

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