
The apprentice .

I’m sitting watching a “LORD” have all his subjects runabout stressing only so that they can get on his payroll. A baroness also that the subject need to try and impress while maybe winning some money. Made for tv hustle culture vanity programme, which I like to watch for the human side of it and how false they can all be, but business is business eh. So it’s ok to be a prick lol Just like to see these wannabes out doing each other with who can sniff their own arse hole the strongest and enjoy it the most wins. Enjoy.

I’m sitting watching a “LORD” have all his subjects runabout stressing only so that they can get on his payroll.
A baroness also that the subject need to try and impress while maybe winning some money. Made for tv hustle culture vanity programme, which I like to watch for the human side of it and how false they can all be, but business is business eh. So it’s ok to be a prick lol
Just like to see these wannabes out doing each other with who can sniff their own arse hole the strongest and enjoy it the most wins.

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