
The arguments for unconditional UBI

I don't post much, but I have been thinking about this. This is why I believe everyone should support unconditional universal basic income. It takes away power from the capitalists. If we are no longer forced to work to have food and shelter, then we start more strongly valuing our time. Would you work 100h a week for a job that you hate if you didn't need to do it to survive? Wouldn't you rather do 20h or 40h of something you enjoy doing that makes you feel like you are investing your time well? This will also result in better regulating the labour market. Jobs that noone wants to do will now need to pay significantly more to attract people to do it. This -ONLY- works with UBI, because of the desperation the working class faces under capitalism. As long as there is someone who is faced with homelessness…

I don't post much, but I have been thinking about this. This is why I believe everyone should support unconditional universal basic income.

It takes away power from the capitalists. If we are no longer forced to work to have food and shelter, then we start more strongly valuing our time. Would you work 100h a week for a job that you hate if you didn't need to do it to survive? Wouldn't you rather do 20h or 40h of something you enjoy doing that makes you feel like you are investing your time well?

This will also result in better regulating the labour market. Jobs that noone wants to do will now need to pay significantly more to attract people to do it. This -ONLY- works with UBI, because of the desperation the working class faces under capitalism. As long as there is someone who is faced with homelessness or starvation, willing/forced to take any job to survive, wages will stay low for menial jobs.

Work culture will also improve because jobs need to have a pleasant work environment to cater to a population that is no long there because they need to be, but because they want to be.

Do we need to do many more things to make the system better? Absolutely we do, I just want to highlight the effects this one change could have.

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